Unfortunately, this is the last week my TypePad blog will appear as it should expire Saturday. I've removed the redirect for now, but will add it again later in the week.
I actually thought I could make my last post THElast post, but I'm a little distressed that Bloglines still shows no updates from my Wordpress since June 3rd and they have been unresponsive to my emails and to the thousands (literally) of thread items started about it. I'm not the only one, but when the rest of my blogs are updating (uh, well, except Go Fug Yourself), I'm feeling neglected by Bloglines. I assure you, there have been plenty of updates over at Punch Drunk.
Another plug for Reader.Google coming: I maintain both for just this reason, to make sure I'm not missing anything. If you already have Bloglines, you can import all your feeds easily to Reader.Google. You don't have to type in all those links again. Bonus, right?!
Maybe if I bemoan how badly Bloglines is treating some of us bloggers they'll get their heads pulled out of their asses. I know. Wishful thinking. You get what you pay for.
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